Well, two years passed since I moved to Chile and had my first impressions (see first blog)... I had very exciting experiences, as skiing almost all weekends, and I even bought my own ski set.
I also met interesting people, most of them wanted to merry me urgently with someone, didn't matter whom. The important thing was that I couldn't be single for their standards. (hahaha)
I also met very nice people, who invited me often to eat "Choripan" at the weekend in their beach house :) Everyone who travels to Chile MUST try it, it is just great!
The same for the Torta Tres Leches. A must in Santiago!
Another good point is that I didn't turn to be Wine addict, although I miss it in the evenings accompaning my salad. If I start to tremble I will call for help, no worries ;)
But it was time to move on again, and now I'm in the process to settle down in Vienna. I'm looking for an appartment, in a nice neighbourhood where I can host my friends properly. This is not a very easy task, but it is also not the most difficult one I ever had :))))
As a good fareweel present, I went with some friends to ski on my birthday, just to close this phase with a golden key. What nobody told me is that skiing is not for old people, and just in my birthday I fell so much as never before, even in my first ski class more than 10 years ago.
I'm glad I survived to see the trip back to Santiago, one of the most beautifull I had. We had good music, great company in the car and a wonderfull landscape. And apart of many big blue marks in my body, and many aching bones, nothing was broke, and today I can walk and sit normally again!

Thanks to Oskar for lending the phone to take the picture. And unfortunatelly I missed the condors flying around...
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