Two weeks ago I went to Munich, for the Oktoberfest. Before I give you my impressions of this one, I have to say that exactely 12 years ago I went to the same Oktoberfest with 2 Brazilian friends. We arrived at about 4pm, convinced an Italian security guy to let us in, met another bunch of Brazilians inside and drank bier until 11pm, when they turned the lights off and kicked us out.
This time, with insiders, it was completely different... The steps are described below.
- They woke me up at 6:30 am on Saturday. Of course I protested, but they were 6 against me...
- We took the train to the pavillons at 7:30, and arrived there at around 8:00am.

- Then we had to wait in a line until 9:00, when they open the doors and start serving the one liter beer glasses. NOTE: we were not the first ones in the queue, and there is nothing else or smaller to drink...
- At sharp 9:00 we got our first beer. At 12:00 I had already 4 normal beer liters. I fell asleep at the table...
- At 2:00pm I woke up again, and for my relief my friends were still there, drunker than when I fell asleep. Very nice, the world is not so bad at all ;)
- 6:00 pm, no mention to go home again. No extra beer for me, and every now and then I had to stand on the banks with everybody "enjoying" the sound of "rum ta ta, rum ta ta".
- At 8:00pm finally someone decided to go home, and I was more than happy to join the group going home. After many wrong curves and S ways, we got home sweet home again, and started planning the next day agenda.
My position was clear: I AM NOT GOING TO WAKE UP AT 6 AGAIN!!!! At the end all agreed, and we woke up at the human normal sunday time 10 am, got dressed and went to the pavillon again. The sunday was nice and pleasant, apart of the whole drunk train on the way back to Vienna.
I'm still recovering from it, and don't talk to me about beer for now...