But, now that I'm analyzing the situation, I can say that after all those scared faces of me going diving in Chile, having trouble to wear and take off the 7mm suit (I had scratches in both hands after the first try), jumping in a 10 degree cold see, having the brain frozen for a while, and a huge headache for hours, I can see that I will not do this stupid thing again... But for sure next year, if I'm still in Chile, I will have forgotten this and try it again in another city, where they told me the water could be 2 or 3 degrees warmer ;)

my intention today was to describe my diving experience in Chile, but after someone said (very persuasive) that my texts were toooooooooo long and she was bored to read them, I decided to shorten it a bit.
So, resuming my diving experience: it was freezing. It took me some hours and pisco sours to get my brain working again, so I could drive back home. After all people there asked me why the hell I was going to dive in Chile if I could dive in my home country, I still had the courage to get into the water, because you know me: most of the things I have to test them by myself to believe...

Ah, just one more comment, the other 2 tourists were asking if they dive all days all year long, and the instructor said that in winter they do it only on weekends. I (very innocently) told them they should not expect to see me there in winter, and the instructor just laughted and said: I don't really expect to see you here again, at any time...
Well, what can I say? :)

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