Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oi Pessoal,

the blog was quiet for a very long time, but let's start again. Now with Alex adventures :) He is getting so funny that I must share his baloney with you. He is now 17 months old, walking like a drunk for about a month, and blurbing nonsense the whole time :)


This is the first really hot week in Munich, over 30 degrees is the forecast for the whole week. Yuhuuuuu! Happyness invaded me :) However, it does not have to get hotter, right? This seems not to be clear to everyone in this house...

Frank and me woke up sweating like pigs, even me, who do not sweat until it gets to 35 degrees. This cannot be possible, something must be wrong. And it was...

We walk around the sleeping room to try to get up, while Alex gives first signs of waking up. Frank decides to go there and pick him up for his bottle. On the way there:
Me: WHAT???????
Frank: The heating is on, on its maximum!
Me: WTF? (In German: WÄ?)

Conclusion: The day before Alex was playing around, and nobody saw him turning on the heating system... And he didn't turn it off again!

To get things worse: We have a very old heating system (Nachtspeicheröl), that saves energy during the night and keeps warm during the day. But the stupid thing stayed warm for the whole 3 days when we had 30 degrees!

Even worse: Now it got back to the usual 15, and I am not able to turn this stupid thing on :(

If he new what he was doing, these would be his faces:

Playing with the heating:

The day after: