Hi people,
today my post will be mostly understood by brazilians, but anyone else is welcome to read it :)
Yesterday, I was flying from Warsaw to Munich with LOT (Polnish Airlines), ready for the weekend, and tired from the week. I entered the airplane, sitdown and started to dose while they do all that introduction to the flight and security. This is what I heard:
"szrethtzztzrzfdjswqqehdhswqe Embraer fhszdzdwwqqdfjgidsnflxmvhnbyöxlk!"
I immediatelly woke up to listen to the english version. They really said: Dear passengers, welcome to our flight today to Munich in our Embraer 170 bla bla bla bla. I almost cry. It was my first flight on an Embraer (Empresas Brasileiras de Aeronáutica) airplane :)
Here the proof:

Who else flew an Embraer? You are welcome to share your experience!
For not Brazilians: There are almost no Embraer airplane in Brazil, maybe because they are too small for the amount of people flying and the distances between cities with airports.
PS: I slept for the rest of the flight...