I'm back in Santiago (actually in Lima right now, waiting to get in the plane back home again). Busy life already started, and I flew almost directly from my vacations to Lima.
But I'm still with my thoughts in Fort Collins, CO. The last week was really interesting there. We wen Snowshoeing twice. The first time I heard about it I thought we would walk calmly and happily in the snow. My understanding of Snowshoeing was "kind" of wrong. First, I was advised that I should wear my complete ski gear. I had to unpack everything again!!! Damn! I did a complex logistic work to pack everything in the bag...
Good, we got ready and went. Then they gave me something similar a tennis racket, and I had to bind it to my feet. Good so far. Then we had to walk in the snow, and I had snow to my knee! Amazing! We had the great company of two funny dogs, who enjoyed the trip more than us :D
When we got back home there was an invitation from my sister friends to do it again on Wednesday. The snow was not so fluffy anymore, but this was really great fun! We were 7 ladies, and my syster 5 frieds were all over 70. The trip went more or less like this:
- walk, walk, walk in line. "Bla bla bla"... :) :) :) "Bla bla bla"
- stop, lets discuss where to go. "Bla bla bla" .... "Bla bla bla"
- walk, walk, walk in line. "Bla bla bla"
- Stop! (by me this time). Me: this place is good to leave my angel shadow. Let's do it:

- Me again: Ok, I'm fine, let's get up:
This is what was left of my beautiful angel:

- walk, walk, walk, walk in line. "Bla bla bla".
- break for lunch. Great! I was already starving!
- walk, walk, walk back. "Bla bla bla"
- meet some new friends on the way. "Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
- We made it! We found the car back, no snow storm took it away (it was looking like so, at least for my brazilian eyes).
- Stop for a hot chocolate with mint. GREAT!
I must say this day was really funny. I laughed a lot. I was impressed how fit those ladies were. It's a pitty most countries of the world do not offer our elder people the possibilities to do whatever they want and deserve after so many years of hard work.
I will stop to talk now, enough of "Bla bla bla" for today. ;) Have fun with the white pictures!