Hi people,
after a long long time, I'm back... Since last time I wrote, many things happened.
First, I moved in my 'new' appartment. It is funny here... All the lamps were missing, and I had only 2 tiny wires coming out of the roof where a lamp was supposed to be. My next question as a tipical electrical engineer was: what am I supposed to do now? Shit... ;) But since I have very nice colleagues here, Gonzalo volunteered to fix all my lamps! Yeah!!! :D Beside that, his wife Ema went with me to the shop and helped me buy all the lamps for the ap. It was very nice. Then she and Gonzalo came to my appartment to fix everything. I bought food and drinks and was waiting for the party to begin. But that went a little bit different than planned...
after a long long time, I'm back... Since last time I wrote, many things happened.
First, I moved in my 'new' appartment. It is funny here... All the lamps were missing, and I had only 2 tiny wires coming out of the roof where a lamp was supposed to be. My next question as a tipical electrical engineer was: what am I supposed to do now? Shit... ;) But since I have very nice colleagues here, Gonzalo volunteered to fix all my lamps! Yeah!!! :D Beside that, his wife Ema went with me to the shop and helped me buy all the lamps for the ap. It was very nice. Then she and Gonzalo came to my appartment to fix everything. I bought food and drinks and was waiting for the party to begin. But that went a little bit different than planned...
They brought their son Lucas and a cousin, Carla. Very nice kids, indeed. They got chocolate, coke and cookies while we were doing the hard job. After a couple of hours, when I got in the room where they were, they were already doing the party, and the carpet was flooded with coke and smashed chocolate... Me, as a newcomer to carpets and kids (never had such things before), was astonished with the scene. I just didn't know what to do... But my hero Ema came and solved everything with toilet paper and some water. Amazing! And I started loving kids again ;)
Well, I got then a matress from another colleague and a sleeping bag from Lucas, to wait for my things to arrive in Chile. After a few weeks of waiting, living with a matress, heating system and one set of dish-glass-fork-knife, my things arrived and I could change clothes again. I bought the missing stuff like sleeping couch and bookshelf and started living again. Ah, before I forget, Ema also found in the Internet a fridge for me, and buying this fridge I got 18 litres of coke for free and a DVD player for 10 Dollars. Nice, don't you think? Such things happen only here... By the way, I still have 15 litres of coke left. From the 3 we consumed, about 1 is somewhere down deep in the carpet, but the important thing is that I can't see it ;) That's the view from my living room:

Now with the Sunset:

Well, that's it for today. See you soon.
Cheers, and a happy new year!!!